Father's Day Chapstick

If I were asked to name the 'smell' of my dad, it would be -Chapstick--Original Scent' mixed with hay and sawdust : )

Father's Day is coming up & I HAD to make a special *new* chapstick label for all the awesome Father's out there. 

A couple of different background options . . .

add a page topper:

Voila! You've got a Great Gift that your Dad will LOVE and USE that was EASY and CHEAP!  What could be better?

Here's the links . . .

Blue Chapstick
Green Chapstick
Orange Chapstick
Yellow Chapstick

Page Toppers links . . .


If you would like a tutorial on how to cover a Chapstick container, there is one here.

If you would like to buy the finished product--click here.

Remember . . . .
